Monday, February 16, 2009

Public Enemies

There are a few Governor appointed individuals who feel that they are above the law and it is my duty to bite these people in the ass as any good dog would when confronted my evil doers.

When certain individuals are given positions of authority, they believe themselves to be god-like and feel untouchable. Well, this is their reality check.

I'm creating my public enemies list and I'm declaring the Director of Labor, Barry Herschbien, as it's public enemy number one.

These are his offenses;

~While at a VFW conference in the Philippines this last December, Mr Herschbien would be seen in the company of as many as two to three Pinay working girls entering and leaving his room on a daily basis.

~Upon his return to the CNMI, Mr Herschbien as been seen on numerous occasions prowling around Garapan in the company of Chinese "boom boom" girls either at Bud's bar or checking into the Micro Beach Hotel in Garapan.

~He claims to be on a crusade to rid Garapan of any business that employs or allows these girls to operate within their establishment. Yet, he frequents these very same types of businesses for his own pleasure after working hours.

This two-faced, womanizing, hypocrite has been running around Garapan with his Gestapo hit squad targeting only businesses that he does not have a personal connection to. i.e., Godfather's, Jonny's, or Bud's bar. (You don't bite the hand that feeds you or harass the places you hang out in). That is why he is my public enemy number one.

U.S. Department of Labor already on Saipan

Looks like the Feds are taking over sooner than we expected.

The Watchdog spotted a U.S. department of labor investigator at the Hard Rock Cafe in Garapan this past Thursday interrogating the employees about their hours and wages.

I don't know when this investigator arrived and started his enquiries, which businesses he has been to, or how long he will be here. But, it appears that federalization is a lot closer than we think.

Could our labor department soon be joining our people at immigration in the unemployment line?

We will just have to wait and see.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Barroom Blitzkreig

Guess who was involved in a barroom fracas this past Wednesday night?

Our beloved Director of Labor, Barry Herschbien!

It appears that the Fat Man tried to intervene in a domestic dispute outside of Bud's bar in Garapan. Whereupon, the husband involved in the dispute, chased the Fat Man into the bar and proceeded to have his way with Barry until the owner of Bud's, Leslie Jackson, separated the two combatants.

While hiding behind Mr Jackson, Barry proceeded to shout threats (much like a chihuahua) and demanding that his antagonist be thrown out. When he could not get his way, Barry called 911 and had his attacker arrested.

Barry's attacker (who works on one of the ships at anchor off of Saipan) was bailed out later that night for $1,250.00 by Mr Jackson.

The Dog is Loose!!!

I'm the Watchdog and I'm on the prowl for all your dirty little secrets. I'm the dog rooting through your trash. I will expose you!

This is my letter of warning to all of you who are abusing your position and power to prey upon the public. You are being watched and you will be exposed. The power of the camera and the truth of my conviction will be your downfall.

The people of the CNMI have had enough of your abuses and we say, " No more!"

You have been warned!